Artist Statement
My work consists in drawing out signs, reflections, shadows and forms from the reality that surrounds us, details which are clearly visible but which often elude our attention precisely due to their apparent lack of significance. Reality is my source of inspiration, the starting point of an interior process which finds its conclusion in the realization of evocative and symbolic images.
With this premise at the base of my work, the first step is that of choosing the esthetic value of the subjects. These, once removed from their context of apparent marginality, display a resonance, in as much as they are symbols, with both my own interior state and that of the complex existential dimension of the human condition.
Not one of my images has been created in a studio; they were simply found while ‘artistically wandering’, based on a few shots with a strong dose of intuition and a desire to go beyond the superficial nature of an object. On this journey I am accompanied by poetry, a form of artistic expression that has always been dear to me and which perhaps allows my images to drift between those fine lines that divide reality from the lyrical vision that imbues life.